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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Food Security and Livelihoods Coordinator at Save the Child(International Job)

The Food Security & Livelihoods Coordinator will re-start-up and coordinate Save the Children UK's Food Security and Livelihoods activities in Hiran region, with an input for fund raising for programmes in all regions of Central South Somalia, Somaliland and Puntland, including primary responsibility for planning, implementation, management, and support of a cash transfer project in Hiran region aimed at addressing emergency Food Security and Livelihoods needs; support to and building capacity of FS&L staff delivering services at the project sites; and the recruitment and training of national staff.

Provision of technical and management support as well as skills and experience of M&E of cash transfer projects and nutrition inputs as a key component of this position. Given the nature of this role, it is essential that the post holder has significant experience in managing and delivering emergency programmes in an insecure context, with experience in distance management and has highly developed communication and support skills. The post holder will also need to be highly competent at developing and coaching field teams on grant application submissions and donor reporting, including financial reporting.

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