Doctors of the World is committed to helping young people enter the workforce. Each year, more than 100 students work as interns at our headquarters, regional offices or various programmes in France. Internships provide a good opportunity to learn about the organisation’s wide variety of occupations and activities. We make every effort to give them meaningful assignments so that they can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to receive their diploma, in compliance with the objectives of their educational institution.
- Interns mainly work in France. You may, however, be able to intern at one of our international programmes if you live in the country where it is located.
- An agreement with an educational institution is required.
- The internship can last anywhere from a few days to six months.
- You may be required to speak a foreign language (English or Spanish).
- For internships that last less than two months, we cover your travel expenses on a pro rata basis according to your attendance.
- For internships that last more than two months, Doctors of the World provides an allowance of €3.60 per hour, covers 50% of your travel expenses and offers meal vouchers.
You can view our internship opportunities online or directly contact the regional office closest to you (or the international programme in the country where you live) for information about their needs.
If you are interested in working as an intern at our headquarters, please send a CV and cover letter to [email protected].
The intern selection process can vary from one region to another.
Instead of submitting a speculative application, we strongly recommend applying directly for advertised internship opportunities.
Stagiaire – Stagiaire « Contribution à la mise en place d’une réflexion éthique » (H/F) – Paris | France |
Stagiaire – Stagiaire chargé d’appui mission mobile (H/F) – Strasbourg | France |
Stagiaire – Stagiaire diagnostic, évaluation et capitalisation programme médiation en santé (H/F) – Cayenne | France |