nering with backbone providers. However, to increase the global coverage attracting additional new partners has become essential. Accordingly,Ethio telecom has made the MPLS/IPLC Inter-Carrier Interconnect Partnership Open to
all interested & capable back bone providers (Potential MPLS/IPLC partners).
Hence, companies with experience in providing the specified services and who have interest to work in partnership with Ethio telecom are cordially invited to submit their proposal in hard copy at any time via courier service to the following address:
Ethio telecom
Dil Betegil Building, 6th floor
In front of Ethio postal service Head office
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Attention: Nebiyate Belete (+251911510433)
Please make sure your proposal contains at least the following:
•Company profile
•At least three customer reference letters signed and sealed by their customers
•Network coverage(Number of countries covered and Number of PoPs(on – net & Off -net)
•Technical details
oProposed MPLS Interconnection based on unmanaged solutions
➢Proposed interconnect Capacity
➢Proposed interconnect point /Physical demarcation
➢Proposed Inter Autonomous /IA/connection with diagram
oConfirmation on:
➢Whether ethio telecom manages its network and fully controls any and all MPLS VPN services provisioned into and out of Ethiopia.
➢For Ethio customers requiring services outside of Ethiopia willingness of their company to provide connectivity and
➢Provision of pre-sales support
➢QoS and Type of class of services /CoS/
➢Application Compatibility
➢Burst policies
•Operation manual & NNOC facilities
•Customer service
For further information please contact:
•Nebiyate Belete ([email protected]
or +251911510433
•Elisabeth Mekonnen ([email protected]
or +251911502509