In October 2015, the IRC opened a new field office in Maiduguri, Borno State, which remains the epicentre of the crisis with the highest number of displaced persons. The IRC’s work in Borno State is focused on Maiduguri Metropolitan Council (MMC) and Jere LGAs and the newly liberated areas of Monguno and Konduga. After the Government declared a Nutrition Emergency in June 2016, the IRC established integrated health and nutrition mobile outreach services within MMC and Jere LGAs, which provide medical consultation and treatment of under-five and adults, CMAM for SAM children under five. The IRC also operates a 24-hour stabilization centre at Umaru Shehu Hospital with 24 bed capacity and plans to open more centres.
With ECHO funding, the IRC has supported vulnerable households in MMC and Jere LGAs with unconditional cash transfers to meet their most urgent needs. The WASH services in Borno include: construction of boreholes, latrines, bathing facilities, and training community volunteers on hygiene and wash facility maintenance. In both states, the IRC has been providing case management and family reunification services to unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) and other vulnerable children, collaborating closely with government social workers to provide critical care and support to families. Safe healing and learning spaces (SHLSs) have been established for children to receive psychosocial support and basic math and reading skills. The IRC has built strong relationships with the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and State Emergency Management Agencies (SEMA) in both states, as well as local NGOs working with IDPs living in both camps and host communities as well as areas of return. Highlights of thematic actions include;
Protection: focuses on adopting and building a sustainable human rights based approach to address protection priorities of IDPs, returnees and host communities, as well as promote protection mainstreaming throughout the implementation of this Action and the broader humanitarian community. Global Protection Cluster (GPC) tools for training and guidance; as well as the IRC Protection Mainstreaming & Evaluation System (ProMMS) will be used. The IRC pursues an enhanced community-based protection approach aimed at strengthening capacity of the affected population to play a central and more effective role in their own protection. Through the leadership and improved capacity of Protection Action Groups (PAGs), local communities will be able to organise themselves more effectively to analyse their protection context, prioritise solutions to address protection risks and develop the necessary action plans to implement risk reduction measures. Such an approach would also provide greater local ownership of the humanitarian response, thus contributing to stronger local resilience and preparedness, as well as ensuring greater legitimacy and sustainability of protection actions. It will also reduce the protection response gap associated with humanitarian access challenges. Activities that will be led by or implemented in close collaboration with PAGs include protection monitoring and analysis, protection action planning, community sensitization and information dissemination, identification and prioritization of support to persons with specific needs. With support from PAGs, IRC will identify IDPs and returnees in need of national identity documentation and facilitate the acquisition of new documents. Through its membership in the PSWG, the IRC will place an emphasis on advocacy focused on strengthening existing coordination mechanism, humanitarian access, and increased transparency in information management by camp officials/Government on the situation of IDPs and returnees.
Child Protection: this action targets vulnerable children for case management services, including unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) and children associated with armed conflict. These children will be provided with individual services to improve the well-being of the child and family. Community members are trained on how to monitor, train and report child protection concerns to trained case workers. Children without appropriate care are assisted with an alternative care placement and the caregivers receive training in positive discipline and social and emotional learning. Nine SHLSs are supported to provide safe and caring environments for children to grow and develop life skills. The SHLS centres will also be a space where children feel comfortable to reporting any protection concerns.
WASH, Shelter and NFI: The Action focuses on protection of IDPs and returnees from water, sanitation and hygiene related diseases by ensuring that they have access to sufficient safe water and they interrupt the transmission of diseases through improved hygiene and sanitation infrastructure and practices. The actions targeted constructions, rehabilitations and Operation and Maintenance support for water supply, sanitation and emergency shelter infrastructure, hygiene promotion support and distribute critical NFIs at IDPs sites, areas of return and institutions such as health facilities.
Nutrition: strengthening and expansion of ongoing high-impact nutrition interventions in Borno and Adamawa, including preventive intervention, nutrition surveillance of children under five and treatment of SAM cases. Treatment of SAM children without medical complications through mobile clinics for hard-to-reach populations or by strengthening of the existing OTP at health facilities. The IRC provides support to Stabilisation Centres (SCs) for treatment of SAM cases with medical complication. In Borno, the IRC implements a Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) programme in 10 communities and plans to open an additional six mobile OTP sites within MMC and Jere. The IRC also runs a 24-hour SC at the Umaru Shehu Hospital for treatment severe acute cases. In Adamawa, the IRC continues with CMAM and optimal promotion of IYCF practices in Mubi and surrounding LGAs and establish OTPs in Michika and Madagali which are now accessible but have no CMAM or IYCF programmes. From Northern Adamawa, the IRC will respond to nutrition needs in Askira/Uba to ensure that returnees have access to adequate basic nutrition services through OTP centres and support to a SC at the District Hospital. The IRC promotes exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months, optimal complementary feeding and breastfeeding for at least two years and strengthen growth monitoring for children under five, both at the facility and community levels. The IRC supported establishment of 70 MtMSGs and run counselling on optimal Infant and Young Child Nutrition practices to support nutrition needs of vulnerable women and mothers and their children.
Food Security: The IRC responds to the urgent food security and nutritional needs of the most vulnerable households among IDPs and host communities in the Jere and MMC. Households will be supported through unconditional emergency cash transfers to need their most urgent food and non-food needs. The IRC will work alongside community leaders and the beneficiary population to determine criteria for identifying the most vulnerable households, based on need rather than status of displacement. With this approach, the IRC will reach those in need, while mitigating risk of creating tension between populations. The IRC considers cash assistance as the fastest, safest and most cost-effective way to enhancing food security in MMC and Jere given communities closeness to the city centre and functioning markets. Cash transfers empower beneficiaries to access a variety of foods to meet their caloric and micro-nutrient needs as well as non-food necessities. Post Distribution Monitoring shows that a clear majority of beneficiaries in the current cash programme access markets and that cash is primarily used to cover food needs. Cash will also be less visible, and allow distributions to be spread out over different locations and days mitigating the security risk associated with large crowds and stocks.
2.2 Project specific objective
To mitigate the harmful effects of violence and displacement on IDPs, host community members and returnees by responding to the urgent nutritional and WASH and shelter/NFI needs and ensuring a protective environment for adults and children.
2.2.1 Expected results and indicators
Performance indicators
Result 1: Improved access to and quality of humanitarian protection services for targeted IDPs and host communities through strengthening of community based protection structures and the promotion of protection mainstreaming principles and tools.
· % of persons /target population in a given context reporting an improved feeling of safety and dignity by the end of the intervention compared to at the beginning
Result 2: Conflict-affected children (boys and girls), including UASCs are identified, safe, cared for, and have access to appropriate existing services and support
· % of interviewed girls and boys who perceive SHLS as safe and supportive
· % of caregivers participating in parenting programs that report utilization of positive parenting skills to control violent behavior
Result 3: IDPs and returnees are protected from waterborne and hygiene-related diseases through the provision of potable water, sanitation facilities, increased hygiene awareness and waste management facilities in Borno and Adamawa states.
· % of the population considering that their basic WASH needs are met
· % of population with adequate hygiene practices ( according to SPHERE Standard on appropriate use and regular maintenance of facilities and on hand washing)
Result 5: The nutrition well-being of pregnant women, lactating mothers and children under five in IDP camps, host communities and areas of return in Adamawa and Borno states is improved with reduction of the morbidity and mortality associated with malnutrition.
· % of health facilities and mobile clinics without shortage of RUTF and systematic treatment (>24H)
· % of health facility and mobile clinics who meet the three Sphere standards indicators (cured rate, death rate and defaulter rate)
· % of MtMSG members who are able to correctly explain at least three optimal infant and young child feeding practices
Result 6: IDP households’ access to food and basic necessities is improved through increased purchasing power.
· % of the target population achieves borderline Food Consumption Score (FCS)
· The mean Household Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS) of target population has increased by the Target % over the project period
· The proportion of households in the highest Coping Strategy Index score category has been reduced by the target % (Reduced CSI)
Note: successful consultant (s) will be provided with full details of project background and indicators.
3.0 The Purpose of Endline Evaluation
The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the IRC’s performance and delivery of the integrated ECHO funded project results. The endline evaluation report will help the IRC to improve its future projects through lessons learned and best practices generated from this project.
3.1 The scope of the evaluation
The endline evaluation process will be structured around OECD DAC criteria, with suggested evaluation questions as below. However, the consultants shall be encouraged to review the project documents and modify evaluation questions to provide detailed synthesis of the project performance.
- Relevance: Does the project align with humanitarian priority concerns? Did the project interventions effectively reach the most vulnerable individuals? Did the project address priority needs of the affected population? Were targets in line with international standards?
- Effectiveness: Were monitoring mechanisms effective in providing timely data to inform programming decisions? To what extent did the project meet its targets and deliver outputs?
- Impact: To what extent did this project achieve the intended outcomes? What was the performance against stated indicators? Are there any unplanned outcomes as a result of this project?
- Efficiency: What evidence is available on cost effectiveness of the interventions? How do intervention costs compare with other modalities in similar context? What evidence is available that efficiencies were sought in programme design? Were adequate human and financial resources applied to delivering project outcomes? Were outputs delivered in a timely fashion? Was technology deployed to improve efficiency?
- Sustainability: To what extent did the project utilise established institutions/mechanisms to ensure sustainability at the end of the project? To what extent were relevant partnerships/capacity developed to ensure sustainability? Are there elements of exit strategy to ensure sustainability?
4.0 Main Evaluation team tasks
- Refine evaluation primary questions in consultation with the IRC’s M&E Country and regional advisor.
- Conduct secondary data collection and review including using the IRC’s existing project monitoring data, to identify gaps in data coverage and knowledge.
- Conduct primary data collection to establish and quantify the IRC’s performance against project indicators and criteria outlined.
- Provide a draft report to country management that will be incorporated into ongoing program planning and evaluation, as well as recommendations for maximizing social impact.
- While in country, facilitate a workshop to validate findings of the evaluation with IRC and partner staff and stakeholders.
- Incorporate IRC feedback into a draft report and prepare a final report. The final report should both describe the results of the evaluation, and provide actionable recommendations for improving the IRC’s program work in North East Nigeria.
5.0 Methodology
The IRC recommends the use of the mixed methods approach that can quantify results and achievements against targets and indicators. However the final methodology and tools will be agreed by the evaluation team working closely with the IRC country M&E team, and will be contingent on the above tasks.
5.1 Data collection and management
The IRC expects a balanced use of both quantitative and qualitative methods to better understand the program performance in addressing community needs. All quantitative data should be rigorously analysed and representative of the project areas within reasonable limits. Qualitative data should also be rigorously analysed and should focus on developing a deeper understanding about the relevance of the programme results and providing recommendations for improving and /or strengthening effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of the results. Both direct and indirect beneficiary perspectives should be considered, examining any positive or negative spill over effects. All documents related to this consultant shall remain the property of the IRC. The IRC would request the consultant to share all documentation, including datasets for this consultancy.
5.3 Presentation and Documentation
This consultancy takes place at the end of the grant, starting no later than 5th January 2018 with the final approved report expected to be submitted within 40 days from the start of the assignment. The final evaluation report must be shared with IRC in the following formats:
- Workshop with IRC staff to present and validate findings:
- Agreed lessons learned and best practices that can be incorporated into relevant sector programming.
- Agreed recommendations that will inform and/or improve IRC Nigeria program strategy, with clear action points required.
- Draft Evaluation Report submitted to Deputy Director – Programs, and Country Director for feedback and comments, within two weeks after conclusion of field data collection.
- Final Evaluation Report- The report must be clear and concise (max. 60 pages). and the following sections must be included as a minimum:
- Background information
- Executive Summary,
- Methodology,
- Findings,
- Interpretation of findings and conclusions,
- Recommendations and actions points,
- Annexes: ToRs, a timeline of response, a list of individuals interviewed, statistical outputs, templates of data collection tools used, a description of the methods employed, a summary of survey results (if appropriate) and any other relevant materials.
5.4 Limitations
North East Nigeria still remains an emergency zone, and not all program locations may be accessible for field data collection. The consultant will be required to develop flexible workplans in consideration of the context changes on ground.
At the time of development of this ToR, input from the donors was partially obtained, should there be additional requirements for modification of some sections of the ToR, the consultant shall be required to be considerate and accommodate discussions on minor or major changes to the ToR.
The consultants are encouraged to include other limitations based on their interpretation of the assignment ToR for discussion with IRC management.
6.0 Key deliverables:
- PowerPoint presentation of preliminary findings & recommendations to the IRC senior management team.
- Draft report shared with IRC within two weeks after completion of field work.
- Detailed Final Evaluation Report to IRC management.
- Evaluation datasets shared with IRC management.
7.0 Profile of consultant(s)
This is an integrated project covering; health, WASH, nutrition, economic wellbeing and protection. To the greatest extent possible, the evaluation team should consist of diverse backgrounds and experience in multi-sectoral programs. The IRC welcomes expressions of interest from seasoned consultants, individuals or firms in academia, social research, or humanitarian evaluation with a background in humanitarian aid, research methods, WASH, development economics, agricultural economics, development studies, or other related fields. The lead consultants should possess;
- Master’s degree or higher in development, international relations or humanitarian work.
- Extensive experience in conducting evaluations along OECD evaluation criteria, ideally leading an evaluation team and experience of designing evaluation methodology / tools and data analysis.
- A minimum of 10 years of progressively responsible work experience in research on nutrition, Environmental health, Economic Recovery Development and protection programs.
- Experience of working in humanitarian contexts and good understanding of humanitarian response work – both in programs and operations
- In-depth knowledge of quantitative and qualitative research methods
- Excellent analytical, presentation and writing skills in English
8.0 General conditions
- The consultant will be based in Maiduguri State of Borno with trips to Adamawa and will spend most of the duration in the field.
- The consultant will be required to abide by the IRC security protocols and rules in place for IRC staff.
- While in the field, the consultant will be provided with security briefings from the field security focal person.
- The consultant will conduct his/her work using his/her own computer equipment. Terms of payment will be negotiated upon acceptance of the consultancy.
- On the basis of the above proposed activities, the total budget for the consultancy will include VAT as and if required.
- Final payment to the consultant will be dependent on the completion of all deliverables.
9.0 Proposal Details and Submission time frame
This consultancy is anticipated to start early January 2018. The entire exercise will last between 30-40 days including final report submission. The deadline for submission of the technical and financial proposals and accompanying documents is December 15th2017. Applications should include:
- Technical proposal with clear understanding and interpretation of the ToR, including detailed tasks, recommended methodology summary and proposed schedule, your relevant experience, how you meet the profile required and details of time required (maximum 4 pages)
- Detailed, itemized financial cost, including daily professional fee and any other associated costs. All costs should be indicated in the submission bids. IRC will only cover field related costs to program areas during field work. All other costs need to be clearly stated in the bid submission.
- CVs of key personnel that will be involved in executing the evaluation process.
- Samples of past consultancies and /or reference persons on related consultancies.
- Modest accommodation will be provided at field locations where necessary, consultants will be required to express need for this or budget for it altogether.
- The estimated consultancy proposal should not exceed €30,000
- All applications should be marked: “Expression of interest for ECHO funded project endline evaluation – North East Nigeria”
All applications should be submitted to: [email protected]
Closing date for applications is: December 15th 2017.